It’s time to ring in Christ­mas with a Big Ol’ Red Cen­tre Welcome!
Watch the Todd Mall, Todd Street and the Coun­cil Lawns come alive with Enter­tain­ment, fes­tive cheer and a whole host of activ­i­ties, with the Annu­al ASTC Christ­mas Carnival!

Whether you’re in for a bar­gain, treat­ing your­self or just get­ting on top of that last minute Christ­mas Shop — The abun­dant mar­kets stalls offer­ing an assort­ment of delights come just in time for the Christ­mas Season!

Dis­cov­er some of Alice’s hid­den gems with a host of tal­ent keep­ing you enter­tained through­out the after­noon and into the evening on three jam-packed stages!

And watch the icon­ic light­ing of the Christ­mas tree on the Cham­ber Lawns - not to be missed!

We can’t wait to see you there!


More info

Event Info

Date and time

Friday 08 December 2023
5:00pm to 9:00pm


Todd Street, Todd Mall, Alice Springs

Todd Street, Todd Mall, Alice Springs

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